Included with Sale:
-Copilot soware
-ProFeeder Cart System (htps://
-Roboq Wrist Camera (installed, parally configured)
-2x Roboq Hand-E grippers (htps://
-Dual Gripper Adaptor Plate (AGC-APL-159-002)
-2x Roboq Gripper Couplers (GRP-ES-CPL-062)
-2x Roboq Tip Starter kits (HND-TIP-START-KIT)
-Air blast tubing and pneumac solenoid installed
-Extra solenoid valves (x3)
-Cycle start pneumac plunger
-Foot pedal pneumac actuator
-Air Vise with 4” jaws (, htps://
-Misc. Tubing and fings
-Rubber Pendant/Controller case
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